About clinical research studies

Clinical research studies are conducted to find out whether an investigational drug is safe and effective in treating a disease or preventing certain conditions. “Investigational” means that the drug has not been approved by a country’s regulatory authority for a particular clinical use and is still being evaluated in clinical research studies. Clinical research studies also check for any side effects that may develop while taking the investigational drug.

Clinical research studies are performed according to strict governmental and ethical guidelines. These guidelines help to ensure that participants’ rights are protected while information about the investigational drug is collected.

Study participants are supported by a dedicated team that includes doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Throughout the study, doctors analyze the clinical data collected to monitor the safety and well-being of participants.

All investigational drugs must go through several phases of clinical research before they are made available to the public. The results of a study help to determine whether an investigational drug will go forward to the next stage of clinical development or in some cases, be approved for use by the public.

What are the phases of clinical research?

An investigational drug must pass three phases of clinical testing before it is approved by a country’s regulatory authority and made available to the public.

Phase 1 – The investigational drug is given to a small group of healthy volunteers or people with the target disease/condition. Researchers aim to learn how much of the investigational drug is safe to take and how the human body responds to it.

Phase 2 – The investigational drug is given to a small group of people with the target disease or condition it is intended to treat. In this phase, researchers may evaluate what dose is appropriate and begin to test the safety and effectiveness of the investigational drug.

Phase 3 – Researchers test the safety and effectiveness of the investigational drug in a larger group of people over a longer period than in Phase 2. Sometimes comparisons are made between the investigational drug and other medications that are already approved for the same purpose.

Phase 4 – This is often called a “Post Market” study. This phase of study is conducted after the investigational drug has been approved for commercial use. Here, researchers compare the investigational drug with other drugs already in the market, and monitor its long-term effectiveness and impact on a patient’s quality of life.

Benefits of participating

  • Receive compensation for participating.
  • Close Monitoring & support by a dedicated team of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals at no cost.
  • Help make advances to the future of healthcare.
  • Receive extensive information about your health at no cost.
  • Help bring Life-saving medications to people.
  • Get Access to promising new treatments.

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